I talked about my sex life and it saved my friend

Dani Banani
2 min readOct 11, 2022

I’m an unashamed blabbermouth about sex. I’ll tell everyone everything I love to do…twice. I’ll show you my sex toys. I’ll explain things and break them down and define it like I’ve got you in a classroom about to take a damn quiz. I just cannot shut up about sex. I love the subject.

It was about a year ago that I made a new online friend, we can call her Wendy, and my conversation took no time to dive into sex. Of course, being a BDSM fanatic, I asked about her experience with it. She had little to none, so I launched into my usual tangents about what I liked, how we keep it safe, safe word education, and more (and more and more and…)

I thought nothing of it. It’s who I am. I spoke like I usually spoke and that was that.

Fast forward to tonight, when I received a message:

“Hey, I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am we met and talked about all the things we did. I met a Dom but he refused to discuss boundaries and safe words and thanks to you, I knew not to go there.”

First of all, it makes me sick to my stomach to think of all the damn people who use BDSM as a cover to just be abusive.

But wow. I read her message and sat there for a minute and thought, “Well, whaddya know, I actually did something useful by not shutting up.”



Dani Banani

Top Writer in Fiction. I write erotica, fantasy fiction, poetry, and whatever else I feel like. Sex is my favorite subject and love is my greatest passion.