Horny on a Holiday

All I wanted was a little stuffing from my new Uncle.

Dani Banani
7 min readNov 24, 2022
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

The family gathering was going better than usual for everyone. The food was great, the moods were up, and everyone seemed grateful for one another in a genuine way.

Not much had changed for me though…I was painfully single and painfully horny. Just like last year.

Ever since Aunt Gloria arrived with her new husband, that need to get fucked had risen so high I could feel my panties were wet with desire. His name was Richard (though he asked us to call him Uncle Rich) and he was sexy — there was just no other word for it. Dark hair with silver peppering throughout with dark eyes, a bright and handsome smile, and dark skin that sang to every nerve in my clit. He was fucking perfect, if I’m being honest, and all I wanted was his attention…

well, and his cock, too.

All throughout the meal I couldn’t stop imagining how big he was, and almost as if my intentions and thoughts were literally written on my face, his gaze met mine for a few moments before he winked. Was that a good sign? Did he somehow know? Were my little fantasies of dragging him to another room and fucking him senseless actually sending quiet messages to him? No matter what it was, I was lifted in…



Dani Banani

Top Writer in Fiction. I write erotica, fantasy fiction, poetry, and whatever else I feel like. Sex is my favorite subject and love is my greatest passion.